Social Security Disability benefits are important benefits for many disabled individuals and their families. The Department of Health and Human Services reports that one in four Americans report suffering from a disability. Disabled individuals who suffer from a physical or mental impairment and previously worked, may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.
A formula is used to determine the amount of Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits the disabled individual will receive. When facing disability, it is important for disabled individuals to know the amount of benefit they will receive and options that may be available to increase the amount of benefit they receive. Work history is used to calculate benefits based on earnings and the amount of Social Security taxes that were paid by the applicant.
Because the application process for Social Security Disability benefits can be lengthy, disabled individuals should apply for SSD benefits as soon as they become disabled and know they will need the benefits. One way to help ensure they receive the benefits they qualify for is to be thorough when completing their initial application. It is also important to update information provided as the disabled applicant experiences life changes. Disabled individuals should also be familiar with different options that may be available to them such as a trial work period.
Disability benefits may be available to disabled individuals who suffer from a physical or mental medical condition the prevents them from working and is expected to last 12 months or longer or result in death. Social Security Disability benefits can be challenging to obtain and many initial applications for benefits are denied so it is useful for disabled individuals to be familiar with the application process and how to maximize their benefits as much as possible.