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All about workers’ compensation insurance

Writer's picture: Gibbs & SellersGibbs & Sellers

The reason most people seek employment is to provide financial support for their families and loved ones. However, what happens when a person is injured on the job and can no longer work? Most full-time employees in Alabama have workers’ compensation insurance to help cover medical bills and other expenses. But, how does workers’ compensation actually work?

When an employee is injured on the job, he or she can file a workers’ compensation claim. However, in doing so, said employee is usually not allowed to seek legal recourse against the employer for any negligence that may have contributed to the injury. In most cases, workers’ compensation will cover most lost wages, medical costs, treatment costs and will allow for retention of benefits.

It can vary from state to state, but an employee’s eligibility for workers’ compensation insurance depends on a variety of factors. Workers’ compensation insurance only applies to injuries that happen during the course of employment. Injuries that most often qualify are trauma injuries, falls and occupational diseases such as cancer. Workers’ comp usually won’t cover injuries that are self-inflicted, happen under the influence of drugs or alcohol, happen while a worker is violating company policy or happen while committing a serious crime.

Thousands of workers across the country are injured every year while performing their job duties. Fortunately, full-time employees in the state of Alabama have access to benefits such as workers compensation. Those who have questions about filing for worker’s compensation may want to consider discussions with an experienced attorney.

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